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There are hardly any scientific surveys done to estimate the prevalence of OSA in India. Taking broad indications from incidence of OSA in USA , we could arrive at an estimate of 6-8% of Indian population could be having OSA.

  •  50% of hypertensives have OSA
  •  65% of Diabetics have OSA
  • 70% OF Obese have OSA

Typical hypertensive and or cardiac diseases patients who come to a cardiologist have high incidence of some or all of these issues. With such incidence, conducting a STOP BANG test should form part of routine examination for cardiology practice, followed by home sleep test to confirm presence of OSA. [Continue with references]


“About 50% of OSA patients are hypertensive and an estimated 30% of hypertensive patients also have OSA, often undiagnosed. Effective treatment of OSA by CPAP has been shown to markedly and acutely decrease BP.


“Several studies noted a high prevalence of sleep apnea in subjects studied shortly after the stroke. Wessendorf et al prospectively studied 105 stroke patients with OSA to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment with CPAP and show improvement and acceptance similar to those of OSA patients without stroke”


“More than half of cardiac deaths in patients with proven OSA occur during the sleeping hours, between 6 PM to 6 AM.Thus OSA appears to affect the timing of sudden cardiac death”

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