Snoring is a very common condition but if a child snores then there is a little to worry, if your child snore occasionally then there is no need to worry, if your child snores persistently then you should consult a doctor. Children who are 3 years or older tend to snore during the deeper stages of their sleep. But regular and loud night snoring is very abnormal in healthy children, Snoring is a sign of a respiratory infection, a stuffy nose or allergy; other times it may be a symptom of sleep apnea.
During the night, children with sleep apnea will experience any one or all of the mentioned below symptoms:
During the day, children with sleep apnea will experience any one or all of the mentioned below symptoms:
If you think your child has any symptoms of sleep apnea then you should consult a doctor. If not then you should do the following treatments
The seasonal allergies or a stuffy nose due to a cold can cause your child to snore. You can treat the snoring by using a cool-mist vaporizer, it can help alleviate nighttime stuffiness and snoring.
Sleep Position
You can treat your child snoring by modifying his sleep position. All you need to do is first rolling him gently on his side to see if this helps stop his snoring. A second sleep position to try is lifting the child’s head and shoulders. This helps alleviate any nasal congestion that may be causing the snoring.
Air Purifier
If your child is stuffy due to the dust allergies, then adding an air purifier into his room and keeping the door shut will surely help. An air purifier cleans the air and helps relieve the stuffiness of allergies, which can cause snoring.
Help Keep the Nose Clear
A nasal wash can help keep your child’s nose clear, which helps unblock the mucus that may be causing the snoring. You can also try a nasal wash to keep allergens out of your child’s nose, as well as washing out excess mucus build up. If your child is younger, use a dropper and warm water to flush out her nose.
Hope it is helpful!